Class 5 - Mrs Wagg
Welcome to Class 5
Welcome back to school and I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas. I can't wait to hear about all of the things you got up to during the holidays!
This is a shorter, but very busy term, with lots of exciting opportunities for your child. I will endeavour to keep you all informed of activities taking place in school via the website and ParentMail.
Homework will be set each week on a Monday and needs to be handed in on the following Monday. The children will be expected to go on ‘Spelling Shed’, 'Rollama' and ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’ every week, as well as reading independently at least 3 times each week. They will be asked to complete another piece of work related to what they have been doing in class once a month from the Homework Grid, but I always welcome any additional work done at home such as projects, cooking, art, model making, etc, that your child wants to do. They should be spending a minimum of one and a half hours a week on their homework. Please encourage your child to plan when they do the work themselves as this is a key skill that they will need as they progress through their education.
Times Tables and Calculation policy
It is important for your child to become confident in their times table facts up to 12x12 - including their related division facts. Quick recall of times tables fact is essential in maths work. We will continue to do a lot of work in class on times tables, but your support and encouragement will always help. Your child will be expected to go on ‘Time Tables Rock Stars’ every week to help build speed and confidence.
A link to our school calculation policy is available here. It is useful for you to be aware of the methods used in school in order for you to practise with your child at home. If you have any questions regarding the methods being used, please feel free to come and have a chat.
Spellings will be given out on Fridays. The weekly spellings will link to a rule or spelling pattern which your child will be working on within school on a daily basis, using a variety of different strategies. Along with the weekly spellings, your child will bring home a list of challenge words that do not fit within a rule. The challenge words can be learnt at your child’s own pace throughout the year, however, I will try to include 2/3 each week in their daily practise. Please encourage your child to learn their weekly spellings and additional challenge words by the end of the year. They will be expected to go on Spelling Shed as part of their weekly homework, where relevant assignments will be set. Your child will be tested at random times throughout the half term, instead of weekly, to encourage retention of the words learnt. Please be aware that Spelling is now weighted highly within the end of year tests, including the Year 6 SAT's.
Please encourage your child to read, read, read! I have attached a copy of recommended reading lists below. They should be using their account on Go Read to record their reading at home. This will be monitored weekly by myself.
Our designated PE slots are Wednesday and Thursday. Could you please make sure that their child comes to school IN their PE kit on PE days (Wednesday and Thursday), as well as has a water bottle at school daily, but particularly for PE lessons. PE kit should include plain dark blue/black tracksuit bottoms and sweatshirt, white t-shirt, trainers AND plimsoles (for indoor PE).
All children must have a pair of appropriate indoor shoes, such as plimsoles, to change into when entering the classroom. They will also need a waterproof coat and wellingtons or other waterproof boots in wet weather, especially if they are playing on the field, as we will try to get outside as much as possible. Please make sure ALL clothing and footwear is clearly labelled with your child's name.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask as we are always here to help and support you and your child. You can contact me on the class email address: [email protected] or alternatively ask at the office to make an appointment.
Mrs Wagg
Year 6 children will be looking at past SAT papers in class this term, as well as bringing some home to try. I have also put some practise SAT papers on their My Maths accounts for them to try at home. If they need to know their password, please email me on the class email ([email protected]). I will be holding a SAT's Parents Information meeting at 3:30pm in Class 5 on Wednesday 22nd January 2025. I look forward to seeing Year 6 parents and children there.
Try using these links to help you prepare for the end of KS2 assessments:
Maths Revision Mat
CGP Maths & SPAG Practise
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 1
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 2
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 4
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 5
Verb Forms & Tenses
Rollama Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling practise links.
Welcome back to school and I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas. I can't wait to hear about all of the things you got up to during the holidays!
This is a shorter, but very busy term, with lots of exciting opportunities for your child. I will endeavour to keep you all informed of activities taking place in school via the website and ParentMail.
Homework will be set each week on a Monday and needs to be handed in on the following Monday. The children will be expected to go on ‘Spelling Shed’, 'Rollama' and ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’ every week, as well as reading independently at least 3 times each week. They will be asked to complete another piece of work related to what they have been doing in class once a month from the Homework Grid, but I always welcome any additional work done at home such as projects, cooking, art, model making, etc, that your child wants to do. They should be spending a minimum of one and a half hours a week on their homework. Please encourage your child to plan when they do the work themselves as this is a key skill that they will need as they progress through their education.
Times Tables and Calculation policy
It is important for your child to become confident in their times table facts up to 12x12 - including their related division facts. Quick recall of times tables fact is essential in maths work. We will continue to do a lot of work in class on times tables, but your support and encouragement will always help. Your child will be expected to go on ‘Time Tables Rock Stars’ every week to help build speed and confidence.
A link to our school calculation policy is available here. It is useful for you to be aware of the methods used in school in order for you to practise with your child at home. If you have any questions regarding the methods being used, please feel free to come and have a chat.
Spellings will be given out on Fridays. The weekly spellings will link to a rule or spelling pattern which your child will be working on within school on a daily basis, using a variety of different strategies. Along with the weekly spellings, your child will bring home a list of challenge words that do not fit within a rule. The challenge words can be learnt at your child’s own pace throughout the year, however, I will try to include 2/3 each week in their daily practise. Please encourage your child to learn their weekly spellings and additional challenge words by the end of the year. They will be expected to go on Spelling Shed as part of their weekly homework, where relevant assignments will be set. Your child will be tested at random times throughout the half term, instead of weekly, to encourage retention of the words learnt. Please be aware that Spelling is now weighted highly within the end of year tests, including the Year 6 SAT's.
Please encourage your child to read, read, read! I have attached a copy of recommended reading lists below. They should be using their account on Go Read to record their reading at home. This will be monitored weekly by myself.
Our designated PE slots are Wednesday and Thursday. Could you please make sure that their child comes to school IN their PE kit on PE days (Wednesday and Thursday), as well as has a water bottle at school daily, but particularly for PE lessons. PE kit should include plain dark blue/black tracksuit bottoms and sweatshirt, white t-shirt, trainers AND plimsoles (for indoor PE).
All children must have a pair of appropriate indoor shoes, such as plimsoles, to change into when entering the classroom. They will also need a waterproof coat and wellingtons or other waterproof boots in wet weather, especially if they are playing on the field, as we will try to get outside as much as possible. Please make sure ALL clothing and footwear is clearly labelled with your child's name.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask as we are always here to help and support you and your child. You can contact me on the class email address: [email protected] or alternatively ask at the office to make an appointment.
Mrs Wagg
Year 6 children will be looking at past SAT papers in class this term, as well as bringing some home to try. I have also put some practise SAT papers on their My Maths accounts for them to try at home. If they need to know their password, please email me on the class email ([email protected]). I will be holding a SAT's Parents Information meeting at 3:30pm in Class 5 on Wednesday 22nd January 2025. I look forward to seeing Year 6 parents and children there.
Try using these links to help you prepare for the end of KS2 assessments:
Maths Revision Mat
CGP Maths & SPAG Practise
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 1
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 2
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 4
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 5
Verb Forms & Tenses
Rollama Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling practise links.
Diary Dates:Children return to school 6th January 2025
Swimming starts 15th January Young Voices Concert 16th January Rugby Tournament 20th January Swimming 22nd January Year 6 SATs Meeting 22nd January Year 5 Fire Safety Talk 24th January - postponed Maths Open Morning 28th January Swimming 29th January Year 6 Height & Weight 5th February Half Term 17th - 21st February Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang Trip 5th March Cross Country 10th March Parents Evenings 11th & 12th March Year 5 Bikeability 24th - 26th March Football League Week 6 8th April Cricket Day 9th April Egg Rolling (TBC) End of Term 11th April Days children not at school. Year 6 SATs week: 12th - 15th May Residential Information: Monday 19th May- Friday 23rd May 2025 East Barnby Outdoor Education Centre. Check out their website for more information: |
Stars of the Week:Warning Zone Trip - Check out the website for more information. |
How to help your child at home:
House Captains:
Reading Ambassadors |
Sustainability Council |
Sports Leaders |
Faith Council |
School Parliament:
Homework |
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This week's spellings:
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End of Year Expectations:
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Subject Overview: |
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Subject Knowledge Organisers:
Autumn Term
Spring Term
Christmas Activities:
Experience Advent
Children in Need Day
Our School Parliament Leaders did a great job organising and running fun activities during lunchtime to raise money for Children in Need.
Skateboarding Fun!